Initial Assessment Service for IT Professionals

A lawyer from our team will be in touch to organise a proper consultation to determine your options and discuss the way forward. You will be advised of any preliminary fees that will apply if you did proceed to have a consultation with us.

Your name: *
Your email address: *
One or more alternative email addresses may be useful if your ISP or free email provider has overly aggressive anti-spam filters. Some free email accounts may route our replies to the Junk folder. Use space or comma to separate multiple altenative email addresses, ideally on different ISPs or domain names.
Alternative email address(es):
Your date of birth: * (dd/mm/yyyy)
Relatives who are Australian citizens or PRs:
Your nationality:
Your English proficiency:
Your qualification(s):
Classification of highest award:
Length of highest award:

Your main occupation:
Your present location: *
Your present visa status:
Current Australian employment situation:
Please attach your CV: * .doc/x max size: 500kB
Your relationship status:
Your partner's name:
Your partner's date of birth: (dd/mm/yyyy)
Your partner's nationality:
Your partner's English proficiency:
Your partner's qualification(s):
Classification of highest award:
Length of highest award:

Number of dependent children:
Comments or questions:
Maximum of 1,500 characters.
How did you hear about us?
* = Required fields.
Anti-spam mechanism:
Please type in the code shown above: *
Please click on the Submit button to proceed.